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Zebra Keys


How to Write Songs on Keyboards

Rikky Rooksby

printable version

Product Details

Title: How to Write Songs on Keyboards

Author: Rikky Rooksby

Dimensions: 11.1 x 8.6 x 0.7 inches

Pages: 192

ISBN: 0879308621

Publisher: Backbeat Books; Book & CD edition (October 10, 2005)

Zebra Keys Editorial Reviews


This book teaches you how to write songs by creatively using various chords and chord progressions.


A large part of this book contains a collection of 90 chord progressions you can use to write songs. There is a clear explanation of what role each chord progression can have when used in a song. Each chord progression is accompanied by an illustration of what the chords in that particular chord progression look like on the piano keyboard. Also, the companion CD contains tracks for each of the 90 chord progressions. This book contains a wealth of musical ideas that will help any songwriter enhance their music compositions. Overall, this book is highly recommended.

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