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Zebra Keys


Welcome to the FAQ Section!

If you are lost or perhaps trying to get answers to some frequently asked questions, you are in the right place! This section contains a list of question and answers that Zebra Keys has received from its community. Zebra Keys hopes to have ALL your questions answered!

Question Answer
Q: Why can't I view the animations in the lessons section or use the music tools in the resources section?
A: You need to install a Flash plugin for your browser. The animations in the lessons section require Flash 5 or higher.

Q: Why can't I view the sheet music previews in the resources section.
A: The free sheet music previews are located on an external site which requires you to first install an Active X plugin. By accepting to install the plugin, you will be able to see and hear a sample of the song.

Q: Where do I go to if I have comments, suggestions, or requests regarding the website?
A: Please visit the contact us section for more information.