Lesson 49 - Major 13th chords |
I. Index1. Introduction II. Content1. IntroductionIn this lesson, you will learn about the major 13th chord. The major 13th chord is basically a major 11th chord with one extra note added - the major 13th.2. Constructing the Major 13th ChordPlaying the major 13th chord is easy. Just play a major 11th chord, and add a note that is an interval of a major 13th from the root note of the chord. Another way to think about it is by using a formula of half steps. Below is the formula for the major 13th chord.Root + 4HS + 3HS + 4HS + 3HS + 3HS + 4HS 3. Playing the Major 13th ChordLet's take a look at the major 13th chord starting on C. This is called the C major 13th chord (Cmaj13). In the animation below, the notes of the C major 13th chord are first played separately, then together.4. Major 13th Chord in all 12 KeysYou can play the major 13th chord in all twelve keys. Below is a list of all 12 major 13th chords.Key of C: C, E, G, B, D, F, A Key of G: G, B, D, F#, A, C, E Key of D: D, F#, A, C#, E, G, B Key of A: A, C#, E, G#, B, D, F# Key of E: E, G#, B, D#, F#, A, C# Key of B: B, D#, F#, A#, C#, E, G# Key of Gb: Gb, Bb, Db, F, Ab, Cb, Eb Key of Db : Db, F, Ab, C, Eb, Gb, Bb Key of Ab: Ab, C, Eb, G, Bb, Db, F Key of Eb: Eb, G, Bb, D, F, Ab, C Key of Bb: Bb, D, F, A, C, Eb, G Key of F : F, A, C, E, G, Bb, D 5. ConclusionIn this lesson, you learned how to play the C major 13th chord. There is a major 13th chord for each of the 12 keys.![]() Custom Search
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Learn Chords Lessons: Advanced Piano
Corrections for:
Intervals for 6th Chords are : Root + 4HS + 3HS + 2HS,
and not Root + 4HS + 3HS + 4HS + 2HS (HS = Half Step)
Lesson 44 - 6th Chord
and 6th Chords ChartIntervals for 6th Chords are : Root + 4HS + 3HS + 2HS,
and not Root + 4HS + 3HS + 4HS + 2HS (HS = Half Step)
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Chord Name | Formula | Key of C | Symbol |
Major | 1 - 3 - 5 | C - E - G | M or Maj |
Major 6 | 1 - 3 - 5 - 6 | C - E - G - A | Maj6 |
Major 7 | 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 | C - E - G - B | Maj7 |
Major 9 | 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 | C - E - G - B - D | Maj9 |
Major 11 | 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 11 | C-E-G-B-D-F | Maj11 |
Major 13 | 1 -3 -5 -7 -9 -11-13 | C-E-G-B-D-F-A | Maj13 |
Lesson 47 - Major 9th Chord
and Chords Chart
Lesson 48 - Major 11th Chords (Maj11) and Chords Chart
[ HS is Half-Step, Review: Lesson 14 - Intervals ]
[ HS is Half-Step, Review: Lesson 14 - Intervals ]
Intervals | Major 11th Chord | Root | + | 4HS | + | 3HS | + | 4HS | + | 3HS | + | 3HS |
Formula | Maj 11 | 1 | + | 3 | + | 5 | + | 7 | + | 9 | + | 11 |
Key of C | Cmaj11 | C | + | E | + | G | + | B | + | D | + | F |
These chords are also used in Jazz music
Lesson 49 - Major 13th Chords and Chords Chart
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