Posts Tagged ‘learn piano keys’

How to Play A Major Scale on Piano Keyboard

    Watch the video below to learn how to play Major Scale in the key of A, or A Major Scale. The notes for this scale are: A, B, C#, D, E, F#, G#,and A.     [WS: Whole Step, HS: Half Step]   Intervals: Root, WS, WS, HS, WS WS, WS, HS Notes […]

Learn Piano Keys

For absolute beginners, learning the piano keys is the most fundamental skill that one should learn first.

Piano Basics for Absolute Beginners

Learn the piano basics for beginners starting with the patterns of the piano keys, and learn the names of the white and the black keys. Then learn how to read music.

Free Music Notes Flash Cards

Here are free printable music notes flashcards for download.

Piano Basics

Learn piano basics – the layout of piano keyboard and the names of the piano keys. There are seven white keys and five black keys throughout the piano keyboard. Test your piano skills with the Free music trainers on site – a fun learning!

Piano Layout

This is a tutorial video for Lesson 1 – The Layout of Piano Keyboard. You will learn the piano keyboard patterns of the white and the black keys.

Names of Piano Keys

Learn the names of piano keys – seven white keys and five black keys. Test how well you know the these key names on the interactive “Keyboard Trainer”.

Online Piano Lessons

Online lessons are the technologies of today. Our free online piano lessons are easy-to-follow, most of the tutorials come with animated flash demos which are fun-to-learn. Each level is divided into five sub-sections.