Song played in the Key of C


Learn how to play Deck The Halls in the key of C in this blog. A song written in the key of C means that the song primarily uses the notes of the C major scale. The key of C major is one of the most common and easiest keys to work with, especially for beginners, because it contains no sharps or flats. The notes in the C major scale are:
**C, D, E, F, G, A, B**
In the key of C, the **C major chord** (C-E-G) is typically the “home” or tonic chord, meaning it’s the chord that will be mostly used and makes the music sound good. Other chords in the key of C will be based on the notes in the C major scale, so you might use chords like:

      – **C major (C-E-G)**
      – **D minor (D-F-A)**
      – **E minor (E-G-B)**
      – **F major (F-A-C)**
      – **G major (G-B-D)**
      – **A minor (A-C-E)**
      – **B diminished (B-D-F)**


These chords are built on the notes of the C major scale and are often used in different progressions throughout the song.
In summary, a song written in the key of C means it will focus on chords and melodies that primarily use the notes of the C major scale, and it will likely resolve back to the C major chord to create a sense of closure.
This song is played in the key of C with 4/4 time, which means there are four (4) beats in a measure, and each quarter note gets one beat.
[Review: Lesson 5 – Time Signatures]
Download Free Deck The Halls sheet music
Use the interactive virtual Z-Board piano keyboard below for practicing if you don’t already have a piano.



Watch the video below played just the notes for the right-hand melody only –

The notes for right-hand melody are:


| G F E D | C D E C | DEFD E D | C B C |
| G F E D | C D E C | DEFD E D | C B C |
| D E F D | E F G D | EF# G AB C | B A G |
| G F E D | C D E C | AAAA G F | E D C |



      INSTRUCTIONS on how to use our Z-Board Piano Keyboard
      1. First, use the computer mouse (or mouse pen/fingers) to click anywhere on the keyboard to activate it.
      2. To play notes for the right-hand melodies –

          Use computer mouse (or mouse pen/fingers) to click directly on the Z-Board.


      3. To play chords for the left-hand chords – (can only use the computer mouse for this)

          For C Major Chord (C – E – G), hold down “Shift” – “S” – “F” (on the computer keyboard) all at once.



Click below to download Deck The Halls free sheet music


Watch this song played with chords added below. There are four (4) chords played by the left hand in this song, and they are:

      C chord – C-E-G
      F chord – F-A-C
      G chord – G-B-D
      D chord – D-F#-A



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