Music As Numeric Language


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Music language is the same as any language – language can be written or spoken. Language functions as code for communicating with one another. We can categorize language as being of two types: the “natural” language and “numeric” one.
The “natural” language uses “words”, whereas the “numeric” language uses “mathematical” forms. We see patterns in music just as in mathematics, and they are not lifeless formulas, since they can be used to express harmony and beauty. It is helpful that such languages can sometimes cross Read the rest of this entry »

Names of Piano Keys


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You have learned in the last tutorial about the piano layout, and recognize that there are sections of 12 keys (seven white keys, and five black keys in between them) throughout the piano keyboard. So, now we are going to learn the names of these piano keys.
The names of these seven (7) white keys are –
C, D, E, F, G, A, B.


Click to access Free Interactive Virtual Piano:


five (5) black keys, which can be named in two ways, are –
[# stands for Sharp, which is a half tone (or note) higher 
b stands for Flat, which is a half tone (or note) lower


C# (Db)
D# (Eb)
F# (Gb)
G# (Ab)
A# (Bb)
Black Key Names


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Table of Contents | 5-Finger Exercise | Children Music | Easy Songs | Piano Chords

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Free Sheet Music


Here are some of the most popular free public domain sheet music for your download. See list of other free sheet music for classical pieces below.
Free Sheet Music For Beginners (with guitar chords): Read the rest of this entry »

The Power of Music


Music Theory for Beginners List of 50 Free Piano Lessons Learn Music Intervals


Have you ever listened to a song that brought tears to your eyes? It has been found that most people connect to the words in a song or the music itself.
If you listen to songs that have an upbeat tempo, you will find yourself smiling. But if you are depressed, listening to sad songs can only make it worse. Music has a power to heal, it can heal even a broken heart.


Minor Chords


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Playing minor chord is similar to major chord, except that the third note is lowered by half note, see diagram below:
Minor Chord 
The formula for minor chord is: 1 – b3 – 5.

      1 – Root Chord
      3 – Minor Third (has three half steps above the root note)
      5 – Perfect Fifth (has seven half steps above the root note)


By applying the formula of Read the rest of this entry »

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star


Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” is a popular children’s nursery rhyme that has been sung for generations. The lyrics were written by Jane Taylor in 1806.” The simple, repetitive lyrics describe the beauty and wonder of a twinkling star in the night sky. It is widely used to teach young children about rhythm and melody, and is often one of the first songs learned by kids.
The video below shows you how to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. This song is played in 2/4 time, which means there are two (2) beats in a measure, and each beat get a quarter note.
There are three major chords to be played with the left hand for this song: C, F, and G Chords:

        C chord, the notes are C-E-G 
        F chord, the notes are F-A-C 
        G chord, the notes are G-B-D

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Music for Healing


ZebraKeys Free Sheet Music Access free Virtual Piano List of 50 Free Piano Lessons


There is an old saying, “Music soothes the savage beast.” Music truly can soothe you when you are upset over something. It can also help in relaxing our mind, and healing of our body. Listen to some of the below.

A therapy called “Brain Music Therapy,” where they record your brain waves and turn it into music. It is reported to soothe and make people feel much better. Music therapy has been used for some time in the mental health field as well. There is one facility that offers music to their residents if they get angry and upset as a way to de-stress them.

2 HOURS of Relaxing Music | Chinese Bamboo Flute | Piano – Meditation – Healing – Zen

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White Piano Keys


There are a total of seven white keys on a piano keyboard, and this pattern is repeated throughout the entire keyboard.
As we have learned in the first lesson that these seven white keys are divided into two groups (which will help us to recognize each key a lot easier, since we don’t have to start counting from C to B all the time):


The Layout and Names of the White Keys:
1. A group of three (3) white keys (with 2 black keys in between them) are – C, D, E
2. A group of four (4) white keys (with 3 black keys in between them) are – F, G, A, B

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Musical Note Trainer




A very useful and Free music tool that can be used to test your note reading skills is the Note Trainer, created by Ricci Adams. See the instructions on how to use the Note Trainer below:


Instructions for using Note Trainer:
1. Click on the “Settings” button to select which clef you would like to test on – Treble Clef, Bass Clef, etc.
2. Select and click on any of the note name buttons below (C thru B) for the correct answer.
3. If your answer is correct, it will add “1” to the “Correct” column, If your answer is incorrect, it will show you the correct answer (correct note name), and add “‘1” into the “Incorrect” indicator.

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Piano Keyboard Trainer




Access this useful Free music training tool, Keyboard Trainer, created by Ricci Adams, to test you keyboard skills. In the keyboard trainer, click on the “Toggle Helpers” button to help you review the key names, or click on the link below for the names of black or white keys.







Instructions for using Piano Keyboard Trainer:
1. You can choose to test either the white keys or the black keys. The default is for the white keys, so click “On” on the “Black Keys” to activate the ‘Black Keys” setting.
2. If you answer is correct, it will add “1” into the “Correct” column. If it is incorrect, it will show the correct answer, and then add “1” into the “Incorrect” column.

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Five-Finger Exercise

Five Finger Exercises

Learn how to do Five Finger Exercise to improve the strength of your fingers. This is an excellent piano technique for beginners.
You can also practice Read the rest of this entry »

Learn to Play “Brother John” Online


Learn Brother John


Learn how to play this popular nursery rhyme, Brother John. Access the written version of this Free piano lesson, comes with fun Flash demos.
Let’s start now:
This song is played in 4/4 time, which means each measure has four (4) beats, and each beat (count) receives a quarter note. [Review: Music Notation]

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How to play Diminished Chords


Diminished chords are used across various genres of music, often to create tension and a sense of instability or anticipation. These chords have a unique, dissonant sound, which makes them effective in certain musical contexts.
Learn how to play Diminished Chord in the key of C. Diminished chord is also written as dim or Co).
If you remember the formula of major triad (or major chord) which is: Root – 4HS – 3HS (or, 1 – 3 – 5), and by lowering both the third and the fifth notes by one-half step, you will have the formula of diminished chord, which is 1 – b3 – b5.
[HS: Half Step]


Root – 3HS – 3HS 
1 – b3 – b5


Watch the video below how to play C diminished chord –


Below is the Chords Chart for all the 12 keys –

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C Major Arpeggio


Learn how to play arpeggios, watch the video below with the instructions for the steps on how to play C Major chord arpeggio: Read the rest of this entry »

Virtual Piano Keyboard


Zebrakeys’ virtual piano keyboard can be used in conjunction with any piano lessons on our website.
Z-Board was created by
Anand Kao, ZebraKeys’ Co-Founder, to help those who do not own a piano keyboard, but wanted to learn the basic piano skills. Learners can use this virtual piano to practice playing some of easy songs for fun-learning. See sample LESSON 1 – The Layout of Piano Keyboard for absolute beginners.



Music Tools - Virtual Piano



Learn how to play easy piano song with using Zebra Keys virtual piano keyboard, Z-Board
How to Play Brother John and Virtual Piano.2

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