Brahms’ Lullaby


Learn how to play this popular traditional song, Brahms’ Lullaby in easy piano version. You can download a copy of free sheet music for Brahms’ Lullary at the end of this page.
This song is played in 3/4 time, i.e. three beats per measure, and each beat receives a quarter note.


[Review : Time Signatures
2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 time.
How to play C Major Chord]


There are three major chords in this song, they are C chord, G chord, and F chord, which will be played using the left hand:

      Notes for C chord are C-E-G
      Notes for G chord are G-B-D
      Notes for F chord are F-A-C

Chords to be played with the left hand are:

| |
| C | C | C | G |
| G | G | G | C |
| F | C | G | C |
| F | C | G | C |

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Online Piano Keyboard


Use this interactive online piano keyboard in conjunction with our free piano lessons.


Learn for Free – Online Piano Lessons
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 24 thru 50
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23

This keyboard can be used to practice the piano skills that you have learn, and use it to play some easy piano songs.


Lesson 7
London Bridge Is Falling Down
Lesson 6
Brother John
Lesson 8


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Piano Basics

Lesson 4Piano Grand Staff
Music Notation.20

Lesson 1Layout of Piano Keys
Lesson 2Names of White Keys
White Key Names
Lesson 3Names of Black Keys
Black Key Names
Lesson 4Piano Grand Staff
Lesson 5Music Notation – Note Durations
Beginner Piano
Lesson 6Learn How to Play “Brother John”
Lesson 7Learn How to Play “London Bridge is Falling Down”
Lesson 8Learn How to Play “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”
Lesson 9Playing the Major Chord

Free Piano Lessons and Resources


Clair de Lune


Clair de Lune was written by Claude Debussy, an influential French composer during the the late 19th to early 20th centuries. Debussy was also an outstanding pianist, and his compositions often contained the usage of atonality. Learn how to play Clair de Lune, watch video below:
Watch Clair de Lune played at 50% speed:
Read the rest of this entry »

Chord Patterns

Virtual Piano Chord Chart Access free Virtual Piano List of 50 Free Piano Lessons


Let’s learn to play a few chord patterns below which are helpful when improvising music. In each of these lessons, you will learn a technique to make the left hand parts more interesting when Read the rest of this entry »

Learn How to Play Easy Piano Songs




Learn how to play easy songs for piano on this page. You will be directed to the appropriate page for learning how to play each song – a fun learning for all beginners.
Learn these songs at your own pace, and Read the rest of this entry »

How to Play “The Entertainer” on Piano


Learn how to play The Entertainer, a popular ragtime music written by Scott Joplin in 1902. In 1973, the Oscar-winning film, The Sting, usedit as a theme song in the movie.
Watch the video below on how to play this song, and you can download The Entertainer sheet music for free.


Read more about the song.



Watch this song played at a slower speed (70% of normal speed) in the video below:


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ZebraKeys Free Sheet Music ZebraKeys 50 Free Piano Lessons


More free sheet music and 
learn how to play these songs below:


fur-elise-song-21 moonlight-sonata Up On The Housetop Sheet Music
1. AuraLee_300. Canon_in_C.2 15. Easy_Piano_The_Ash_Grove_20_300.2.100.1
How to play Greensleeves Alice, Where Art Thou free sheet music Easy_Piano_Oh_Susanna_20


Download FREE Public Domain sheet music
Learn how to play Silent Night




Click below to access:


Pg. 1 | Pg. 2 | Pg. 3 | Pg. 4 | Pg. 5
Pg. 6 | Pg. 7 | Pg. 8 | Pg. 9 | Pg. 10
Pg. 11 | Table of Contents | 5-Finger Exercise | Children Music | Easy Songs

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I Am A Little Teapot


I Am A Little Teapot - Singalong with Lyrics
Iā€™m A Little Teapot, also known as ā€œThe Teapot Songā€, is a popular American nursery rhyme. This song was first published in 1939 by George Sanders and Clarence Kelley. Learn how to play this popular nursery rhyme, free sheet music provided.
This song is written in 4/4 time, which has three (3) in a measure, and each beat gets a quarter note. There are three (3) major chords – C, F, and G chords in this song (also used in Twinkle Twinkle Little Star).

      C chord – C-E-G
      F chord – F-A-C
      G chord – G-B-D

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Key Signatures



Access free Virtual Piano List of 50 Free Piano Lessons Free Interactive Note Trainer


Key signature has the sharp (#), or flat (b) signs placed at the beginning of the staff to indicate what key the music is played.
The 12 Keys in music are – 

        C, Db, D, Eb, E, F, F#, G, Ab, A, Bb, B



Formula of major scale is –

        Root + WS + WS + HS + WS + WS + WS + HS 
        [WS – Whole Step, HS – Half Step]


  Read the rest of this entry »

I, IV, V Chords

I, IV, V Chords

I, IV, V chords also known as Three Primary Chords, see the full list of Three Primary Chords in all 12 keys.
In any given Major Scale, there are three major chords (I, IV, and V), three minor chords (ii, iii, vi), and one diminished Read the rest of this entry »

Major Scales


Learn how to construct and play Major Scales by using the pattern of whole steps and half steps. You can easily find the notes of any major scale in each of the 12 keys.
Click on any one of the major scales below to watch how to play that scale. You will also see the list of the notes of each scale. You can practice these scales here with our free virtual keyboard below or at the end of this blog.
[Review: intervals, and see all Beginner Music Theory Lessons below:]. Click on the any of the major scale below to learn how to play that particular scale: Read the rest of this entry »

Chord Inversions – 1st and 2nd Chord Inversions


Chord_Inversions_1100 10


We often play chords in their root chord position, But sometimes we would see chords are being played in their first or second inversions. How to Read the rest of this entry »

Maple Leaf Rag


Another ragtime music, “Maple Leaf Rag” composed by the King of Ragtime, Scott Joplin. This song was copyrighted in 1899.
Watch the video below and learn how to play one of the popular ragtime pieces of all time. You can also download a copy of Maple Leaf Rag sheet music below.

Read the rest of this entry »

Learn to Read Piano Music – Time Signatures




In the video below, you will be practicing how to count notes in a measure, in order to keep time in music. A time signature tells you how a particular piece of music is played.
The bottom part with a number four (4) indicates that each count (or beat) gets a quarter note.

Read the rest of this entry »

Circle of Fifths


The first diagram is the Circle of Fifths showing just the keys in the major chords and scales only. The Circle of Fifths or Circle of Fourths shows all of the 12 keys or notes.
The Circle of the Fifths is very useful for writing music. Next to each of these keys, it also shows how many sharps (#), and how many flats (b) for that particular keys as shown in this diagram below:



As you may notice that each of the 12 keys is at the interval of fifths moving in the clockwise direction.


For example, Read the rest of this entry »

Learn to Play Piano – Clementines


Clementine is one of the popular American folk music. Learn how to play Clementine on piano, free sheet music with lyrics provided below. Watch the video on how to play this song’s melody only.
This song is play in 3/4 time, i.e. three beats per Read the rest of this entry »