Rockabye Baby


Learn how to play and sing along with this nursery rhyme video, Rockabye Baby.
This song is played in 3/4 time, which means there are three (3) beats in a measure, and each beat get a quarter note.
There are three major chords in this song: Read the rest of this entry »

Seventh Chords

In this blog, you will learn three of the seventh (7th) chords which are: Major 7th, Minor 7th, and Dominant 7th chords. You will also learn how to construct these three types of chords and how to play them on the piano.
You can access these piano lessons for Free under the Intermediate Chord section.


How to Play Major 7th Chord


Learn how to construct and play Major 7th Chord. The formula for Major 7th chord is:
Root – 4HS – 3HS – 4HS
[REVIEW: HSHalf Step, or Half Tone (Semi-tone)]
In the key of C, the notes for C Major 7th chord is:
C – E – G – B


C is the Root
E is 4HS from C
G is 3HS from E, and
B is 4HS from G

Read the rest of this entry »

Music Theory – Intervals


You’ll be learning the music intervals : Whole Step and Half Step. A half step (semitone or half tone) is a visual representation of a half step is any two keys on the piano keyboard that have no key in between them. 

      For example, 
      from key E to key F, or from key B to key C; or 
      from white key C to black key C# (C sharp), 
      from white key F to black key F# (F sharp) and so on.


[Review Free Lessons 1 thru 3 below]

  Read the rest of this entry »

Free Sheet Music – Bach


free_sheet_music_300x2502 List of 50 Free Piano Lessons Free Interactive Keyboard Trainer


Below are three of the free sheet music composed by one of the greatest music composers of all time, Johann Sebastian Bach:
Click below to access the free sheet music now: 

  Read the rest of this entry »

Piano Basics


Learn piano basics: Piano 101 – Learn the names of the white and the black piano keys and basic music notation for beginners.
In Lesson 1, you have learned that there are seven (7) white keys, and five (5) black keys on a piano keyboard. This patterns are repeated throughout any piano keyboard, whether it is a 44-key, or 61-key, or a full-sized keyboard.

Names of seven (7) white keys are:

C, D, E, F, G, A, and
B Read the rest of this entry »

Oh Susanna



Oh Susanna was written by Stephen Foster, which was first published in 1848. Learn how to play this easy traditional song is easy.
This song is play in 4/4 time, which means that there are four beats in a measure, and each beat gets a quarter note. 
The three major chords on the left hand are:



        C chord, the notes are C-E-G 
        F chord, the notes are F-A-C 
        G chord, the notes are G-B-D



Notes to be played by the right hand are: Read the rest of this entry »

Glossary of Musical Terms


Free Online Piano Lessons & Resources List of 50 Free Piano Lessons



Read the rest of this entry »

Public Domain Sheet Music


Download free sheet music composted by famous composers: Bach, Joplin, Beethoven, Pachelbel


Aura Lee – Learn Piano

1. AuraLee_300. 

Learn to play this popular song, Aura Lee (Love Me Tender) on piano. This song is written in 4/4 time. You will be playing five chords in this song.

3 Major chords:
C (C-E-G)
G (G-B-D)
F (F-A-C)
2 Minor chords:
Dm (D-F-A)
Am (A-C-E)


[Review: Time Signature of 4/4
The “4” on the top tells you that there are four beats in each measure, and the “4” on the bottom tells you that a “quarter note” receives one count (or beat)]. Read the rest of this entry »

Pentatonic Scales


Learn how to play pentatonic scale, which is used in most of the oriental music. Pentatonic scale is made up of five notes. In the key of C, the notes are: C, G, D, A, E, which are transposed to C, D, E, G, A (which is I, II. III, V, VI).
The formula of Pentatonic Scale is – Root, 2HS, 2HS, 3HS, 2HS 
[HS – half step. Review: Intervals]

Piano Lessons for Children


Piano Lessons for Children Free Online Piano Lessons & Resources is a free and fun piano-learning website which provides free piano lessons for children. It is your child’s first step, and will be the best step that he or she could ever make to start learning the piano. For busy parents, their child can learn piano at their own pace and at the comfort of their own home; and best of all, parents can also learn and grow together with their child as well.

Read the rest of this entry »

The Ash Grove


One of the popular Welsh folk songs, The Ash Grove was written in the 19th century by John Oxenford. Watch and learn how to play this song on the keyboard.
This song is play in 3/4 time (three beats per measure, and each beat receives a quarter note. Download The Ash Grove free sheet music here.
Read the rest of this entry »

Brahms’ Lullaby


Learn how to play this popular traditional song, Brahms’ Lullaby in easy piano version. You can download a copy of free sheet music for Brahms’ Lullary at the end of this page.
This song is played in 3/4 time, i.e. three beats per measure, and each beat receives a quarter note.


[Review : Time Signatures
2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 time.
How to play C Major Chord]


There are three major chords in this song, they are C chord, G chord, and F chord, which will be played using the left hand:

      Notes for C chord are C-E-G
      Notes for G chord are G-B-D
      Notes for F chord are F-A-C

Chords to be played with the left hand are:

| |
| C | C | C | G |
| G | G | G | C |
| F | C | G | C |
| F | C | G | C |

Read the rest of this entry »

Online Piano Keyboard


Use this interactive online piano keyboard in conjunction with our free piano lessons.


Learn for Free – Online Piano Lessons
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 24 thru 50
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23

This keyboard can be used to practice the piano skills that you have learn, and use it to play some easy piano songs.


Lesson 7
London Bridge Is Falling Down
Lesson 6
Brother John
Lesson 8


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Piano Basics

Lesson 4Piano Grand Staff
Music Notation.20

Lesson 1Layout of Piano Keys
Lesson 2Names of White Keys
White Key Names
Lesson 3Names of Black Keys
Black Key Names
Lesson 4Piano Grand Staff
Lesson 5Music Notation – Note Durations
Beginner Piano
Lesson 6Learn How to Play “Brother John”
Lesson 7Learn How to Play “London Bridge is Falling Down”
Lesson 8Learn How to Play “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”
Lesson 9Playing the Major Chord

Free Piano Lessons and Resources


Click below to access:


Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5
Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10
Page 11 | Page 12 | Page 13 | Page 14 | Page 15


Camptown Races
==8. Christmas_Deck_The_Halls_300.1 I Am A Little Teapot - Singalong with Lyrics Up On The Housetop Sheet Music
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Learn How to Read Music
Free tutorials on Time Signatures and Note Durations


Includes 11 Easy Songs for Beginners: Bingo, Brother John, Camptown Races, Happy Birthday, London Bridge Is Falling Down, Old MacDonald, and more. 
Big-Note-Piano-Songs-#1 500x233



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