Table of Contents – Free Online Piano Lessons



Welcome to Zebra Keys’ blog! We provide free online piano lessons for those who want to learn how to play the piano at their own pace. These online lessons are free of charge, and comes with music tools that can help you to learn to play the piano. Below is the Table of Contents for our lessons:
Piano Basics



Lesson 1Patterns of Piano Keys
Lesson 2Names of White Keys
White Key Names
Black Key Names
Lesson 3Names of Black Keys
Lesson 4Piano Grand Staff
Lesson 5Music Notation: Note Durations
Music Notation.20


=1. Treble C Middle.2_300.2 Treble F label =5. Treble G label_300.2
Treble C hi label =11. Treble F hi label_300.2 =12. Treble G hi label_300.2


Beginner Piano 
Beginner Piano – Learn Songs
Lesson 6 – Learn Song, “Brother John”
Lesson 7London Bridge is Falling Down
Lesson 8Twinkle Twinkle Little Star




Beginner Piano 
Beginner Piano – Learn Chords
Lesson 9Major Chord
Access free Virtual Piano Chords Chart to find any Chords 
Lesson 10Three Primary Chords
Three Primary Chords
Lesson 1112 Bar Blues Chord Progression


Beginner Piano 
Beginner Piano – Music Theory
Lesson 1212 Keys of Music
Lesson 13Major Scale
Lesson 14Intervals



Lesson 15Chords of the Major Scale
Lesson 16Circle of Fifths


Beginner Piano 
Beginner Piano – Piano Improvisation
Lesson 17Chord Inversions
Lesson 18Double Chord Pattern
Lesson 19Broken Chord Pattern
Lesson 20Arpeggio Chord Pattern


Beginner Piano 
Beginner Piano – Piano Techniques
Lesson 21Pentatonic Scale
Lesson 22Whole Tone Scale
Lesson 23Arpeggios


Intermediate Piano
Intermediate Piano – Learn Songs
Lesson 24America (My Country, ‘Tis of Thee)
Lesson 25Learn How to Play “Silent Night”
Lesson 26God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen


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Table of Contents | 5-Finger Exercise | Children Music | Easy Songs | Piano Chords

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Five-Finger Exercise

Five Finger Exercises

Learn how to do Five Finger Exercise to improve the strength of your fingers. This is an excellent piano technique for beginners.
You can also practice Read the rest of this entry »

Learn to Play “Brother John” Online


Learn Brother John


Learn how to play this popular nursery rhyme, Brother John. Access the written version of this Free piano lesson, comes with fun Flash demos.
Let’s start now:
This song is played in 4/4 time, which means each measure has four (4) beats, and each beat (count) receives a quarter note. [Review: Music Notation]

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Piano Layout – Black Keys




Access free Virtual Piano List of 50 Free Piano Lessons Free Interactive Keyboard Trainer


Learn the layout of piano black keys. There are five black keys in total, you can see a group of two black keys and a group of three black keys across any piano or keyboard.
The first group is a group of two (2) black keys with 3 white keys surrounded them are – Db, Eb
The second group is a group of three (3) black keys with 4 white keys surrounded them, are – Gb, Ab, Bb
Each of these black keys has two names: 
        Db (D flat), or C# (C sharp)
        Eb (E flat), or D# (D sharp)
        Gb (G flat), or F# (F sharp)
        Ab (A flat), or G# (G sharp)
        Bb (B flat), or A# (A sharp)


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Fur Elise


Fur Elise was written by Ludwig Beethoven in 1810. This classical piece is one of the most famous piano music during the late 18th to early 19th centuries.
Watch these videos showing you how to play Fur Elise, the last video is played at 50% speed. Read the rest of this entry »

Learn how to count “1/4 notes”, “dotted 1/4 notes”, and “1/8 notes” in Hark The Herald Angels Sing


Learn how to play the easy melody of Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. This song is played in 4/4 time, meaning that there are four beats in a measure, and each beats gets a quarter (1/4 note).
The melody of this song is played by the right hand –


| G C C B | C E E D | G G G F |
| E D E | A D D C 1 | C E E D |
| G D D B | B A G | G G G C |
| F E E D | G G G C | F E E D |
| A A A G | F E F | D EF G C |
| C D E | A A A G | F E F |
| D EF G | C D C |


In the first measure, “G C C B” 
G gets a “1/4 note”; Read the rest of this entry »

Easy Song Played in 4/4 Time


Songs played in 4/4 time mean there are 4 beats per measure, and each beat gets a quarter note. Watch this easy song played in “4/4 time” and learn how to count the quarter notes (1/4 notes) and the half notes (1/2 notes) as well.
[Review: Music note durations chart below]






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Song played in the Key of C


Learn how to play Deck The Halls in the key of C in this blog. A song written in the key of C means that the song primarily uses the notes of the C major scale. The key of C major is one of the most common and easiest keys to work with, especially for beginners, because it contains no sharps or flats. The notes in the C major scale are:
**C, D, E, F, G, A, B**
In the key of C, the **C major chord** (C-E-G) is typically the Read the rest of this entry »

How to count “quarter notes” in music


How to count quarter notes in music, let’s watch the video below:

Also, here is the full lesson of how to count other notes:
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Beethoven’s “Ode To Joy”

Ode To Joy

Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” continues to inspire audiences worldwide as a symbol of hope, resilience, and shared humanity. This classical piece is the final movement of his **Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125**, completed in 1824.
“Ode To Joy” is one of the most celebrated works in classical music and marks the first time Read the rest of this entry »

Easy Song for Beginners with Virtual Keyboard

Brother John with Virtual Keyboard

Learn how to play one of the most easiest songs for beginners, “Brother John“. Watch below the tutorial for this song. Then in the second video, you can learn how to play just the melody, to be played by the right hand only, with our virtual keyboard to practice playing this song.


      INSTRUCTIONS on how to use our Z-Board Piano Keyboard
      1. First, use the computer mouse (or mouse pen/fingers) to click anywhere on the keyboard to activate it.
      2. To play notes for the right-hand melodies –

          Use computer mouse (or mouse pen/fingers) to click directly on the Z-Board.


      3. To play chords for the left-hand chords – (can only use the computer mouse for this)

          For C Major Chord (C – E – G), hold down “Shift” – “S” – “F” (on the computer keyboard) all at once.



Learn Song played in 2/4 Time


Learn how to play song in “2/4 time” in the song below. When a song is played in 2/4 time, it means that there are two beats in a measure, and each beat gets a quarter note.
[Review: Music note durations chart below]


Access “Music Notation” tutorial


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Good King Wencesles piano music

Good King Wenceslas

“Good King Wenceslas” is a traditional Christmas carol that tells the story of the 10th-century Bohemian king, Wenceslaus I, who is remembered for his generosity and kindness. The carol, written by John Mason Neale in 1853, narrates how King Wenceslas goes out on a cold winter’s night to help a poor peasant, showing his compassion and selflessness.
Download a copy of Good King Wenceslas free sheet music Read the rest of this entry »

How to play C Minor Scale


The C minor scale is a natural minor scale based on the note C. It consists of the following notes:
C – D – E♭ – F – G – A♭ – B♭ – C
The scale follows a specific pattern of whole and half steps:
Whole step (C to D)
Half step (D to E♭)
Whole step (E♭ to F)
Whole step (F to G)
Half step (G to A♭)
Whole step (A♭ to B♭)
Whole step (B♭ to C)
This scale has three flats: E♭, A♭, and B♭. The C minor scale is known for its somber and emotional sound, often used in classical and contemporary music to convey a sense of sadness or melancholy.

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“Joy To The World” piano music tutorial



Joy to the World” is a popular Christmas carol written by Isaac Watts in 1719. The lyrics are based on Psalm 98, celebrating the coming of Christ and the joy and peace his arrival brings to the world. The hymn was originally written as a hymn of praise, not specifically for Christmas, but it became closely associated with the holiday over time.

The music most commonly used for “Joy to the World” was Read the rest of this entry »

Toccatina by C. V. Alkan


Charles Valentine Alkan composed “Toccatina, Op.75” in 1857. It is a virtuosic piano work which is part of Alkan’s distinctive repertoire, showcasing his extraordinary technical demands and innovative musical style.

The piece is characterized by its perpetual motion, driven by Read the rest of this entry »

Cielito Lindo


cielito_lindo-ZebraKeys.1.2 copy


The song’s origins trace back to the late 19th century. It was written by Mexican composer and musician Read the rest of this entry »

Pirate Island Music Tutorial



How to play this fun music, Pirate Island on the piano. “Pirate Island” is a lively and adventurous song, Though it may not be as universally famous as some other themed songs, but those who enjoy tales of pirates and exploration will love it.
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“What The Child Is This?” Piano Tutorial


What_Child_Is_This-ZebraKeys.1.5 copy


Learn how to play one of the popular Christmas carols, “What Child Is This?” for this holiday season. This song is a popular Christmas carol that has become a staple of holiday music. The song was written by William Chatterton Dix in 1865.
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Fun & Easy Singalong Music with Lyrics


Singalong with this fun and easy music, Camptown Races, composed by Stephen Foster back in 1850.

Learn how to play Camptown Races here.


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Learn Easy Piano songs for Beginners:

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