Music Theory

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Music theory is the explanation of the ideas behind the music and how it is put together. If you understand the music theory, it will help you to play music better, and it can also help you to improvise your own favorite songs later on.
Below are five mini lessons which will introduce you to the basic music theory


12 Keys of Music – In this lessons, you will learn the key signatures, which are represented by the sharps (#), and flats (b) symbols. These symbols appear on the sheet music following the clef signs (both the treble and bass clefs). The key signature tells you what key a music is written in. For example, if there are no sharps or flats sign on the sheet music, then the music is written in the key C (which has no sharps or flats in the C major scale. You will learn how to build major scale in the next lesson.


Major Scales – In this lesson, you will learn the formula of Major Scale. The formula is made up of the intervals between the two notes – the whole steps (WS) and half steps (HS) – Root (Root note), WS, WS, HS, WH, WH, WH, HS. For example in the key of C major (C Maj), the notes of the scales are – C, D, E, F, G, A, B, then back to the C. So, in the key of C, you will not see any sharp of flat symbols. Download the Major Scales Chart.
Free music theory lesson
ow to play Major Scales in all 12 Keys
, click below:
Music Theory - Intervals


Intervals – Learn the music intervals which are the pitch between the two notes. The whole steps and half steps are used to described the interval, the half step being the smallest interval. However, you can also described intervals in another way.
Use interactive virtual piano below in conjunction with all the piano lessons:
Access free Virtual Piano to play the whole steps and half steps exercise, if you don’t already own a piano keyboard, so that you will hear how this sounds:


Chords of the Major Scales – Learn all the chords of a major scale. In any major scale, there are three (3) major chords, three (3)
minor chords, and one (1) diminished chord. For example, in the key of C, the three major chords are – C chord, F chord and G chord. The three minor chords are – D chord, E chord and A chord, and the one diminished chord (triad) is B chord.


Circle of 5ths – Circle of the Fifths diagram is very useful in learning music. This circle has all of the 12 keys written on it – 12 Major keys on the outside of the circle, and 12 Minor key inside the circle (we will be learning only the Major Keys in the Beginner Section). Let’s look at the all the major keys (outside of the circle), if you go clockwise from C (on the top of the circle), the next key is G. G is a perfect fifth (has seven half-steps) above the key of C (if you count the distance between C going up to G on the keyboard, you will get seven half-steps). Click the diagram below to learn more:



Natural Minor Scale
Chords of the Natural Minor Scale


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