Learn Easy Piano song, The Ash Grove with Free Sheet Music


Learn how to play The Ash Grove melody with just the right hand in the first video, and learn how to play this song with chords added in the second video.
Download The Ash Grove free sheet music below.


Playing the notes of the melody only with the right hand:

Have fun learning this song today, great for any beginners. Learn this at home and at your own pace.
Notes on the right hand are:


| | | | G |
| C E GF | E C C | D GF DC | D G G |
| C ED CB | A F A | G C B | C G |
| C E GF | E C C | D FE DC | B G G |
| C ED CB | A F A | G C B | C EF |
| G EF GA | G F E | F DE FG | F E D |
| E CD EF | E D C | B G F# | G G |
| C E GF | E C C | D FE DC | D G G |
| C ED CB | A F A | G C B | C |



Playing with both hand, chords added:
There are four (4) major chords in this songs, and they are:
C chord, the notes are C-E-G [Review: Major Chord]
G chord, the notes are G-B-D
F chord, the notes are F-A-C
D chord, the notes are D-F-A



The Ash Grove


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