Free Piano Lessons for Children


Piano_Basics_Piano_Layout.100.1 free-music-tools Free Keyboard Trainer


At, we offer free piano lessons for children. There are five lessons for absolute beginners and another 18 lessons for beginners. And since learning piano is much more fun these days with all of the new technologies which allow children to be able to learn right from their own home. It is most likely that parents would want to help their child to learn our piano lessons online.
Before your child starts to learn one of the most popular nursery rhymes, Brother John, here are five (5) mini lessons which you child has to learn and get familiarize with the layout and the names of piano keys, and how these notes are represented on the sheet music.

Piano Basics 

Lesson 2 – Names of White Piano Keys
White Key Names
Lesson 3 – Names of Black Piano Keys
Black Key Names


Lesson 4 – Music Notation

Music Notation.20
Lesson 5 – Note Durations


After your child have learned about piano basics, we will move on to learn three easy songs for beginners. Click on the play button, and you’ll see the keyboard playing these songs, and on the top part you can also see the music notes as well. This will help you child to learn how to read the music notation as well. At the end of this lesson, you will find a virtual piano just like the one below here, for you to practice what you have learned.
Use the interactive virtual piano below in conjunction with the online piano lessons in the above:



Now let’s start now: just remember that your child can learn at his or her own pace, you can come back to our tutorials any time, there is no registration required.
For young children, our videos of nursery rhymes are fun to watch and learn. Some of our videos have the lyrics which allow young children to be able to sing-along too.
Studies have shown that music can increase your brain power, it can make people become happier and smarter. Music is even recommended for children with learning disabilities.
So, here is the first song for your child (or you to learn) – Brother John. At the end of the lesson, you will find an interactive piano, Z-Board. Use this piano keyboard (if you don’t already own a piano) to practice playing the song. What a fun learning for children.


How to Play Brother John and Virtual Piano.1


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Learn Easy Piano songs

I Am A Little Teapot - Singalong with Lyrics
How to Play London Bridge Is Falling Down.3


Click below to access:


Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5
Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10
Page 11 | Table of Contents | 5-Finger Exercise | Children Music | Easy Songs


Camptown Races
Easy_Piano_This_Old_Man_40_300 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star yankee-doodle_zebrakeys300x250
row-row-row-your-boat-1-300-250-1 Up On The Housetop where-has-my-little-dog-gone-4-300-250-2


Includes 11 Easy Songs for Beginners: Bingo, Brother John, Camptown Races, Happy Birthday, London Bridge Is Falling Down, Old MacDonald, and more.
Big-Note-Piano-Songs-#1 500x233



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