Chord Inversions – 1st and 2nd Chord Inversions


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We often play chords in their root chord position, But sometimes we would see chords are being played in their first or second inversions. How to play inverted chords?
To play C Major (M or Maj) in a Root Chord position, you’kll play:
Root – 3 – 5, which is C – E – G
C major chord – Root Chord position:



If we move the C one octave higher to be above the E and G, then E-G-C is the first inversion of C Major chord, see the figures below:
C major chord – 1st Inversion position: 
To play C Major Chord in the 1st Inversion, you will play: 
3 – 5 – Root, which is E – G – C 
[Note: When you move the Root (C) to an octave higher – E (the original 3rd) has formed a bass, with the 5th (G) and the Root (C) stacked above E.
The inverted bass of E now has intervals of a 3rd and a 6th above it (E – G – C).
Click below to practice playing 1st Inversion Chord of C Major on the interactive Z-Board below:


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And, if we move the E one octave higher to be above the G and C, then G – C – E is the second inversion of C Major chord 
C major chord – 2nd Inversion position: 
To play C Major Chord in the 2nd Inversion, you will play: 
5 – Root – 3, which is G – C – E


When you move the 3rd of the triad (E) up – G (the 5th) has now formed a bass, with the Root (C) and the 3rd (E) stacked above G.
The inverted bass of G now has intervals of a 4th and a 6th above it (G – C – E).]


Access the free lesson to watch how these chord inversions can be applied into a song. You will notice that F chord played in 2nd inversion is C – F – A (instead of F – A – C), and G chord played in 1st inversion is B – D – G (instead of G – B – D)


Review Major Chords and access major chord chart



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