Chords Built On Major Scale



Chords that are built on major scale are simply the chord of each note on that particle major scale. For example, in C Major Scale, the notes are:
C, D, E, F, G, A and B.
By applying the formula of Major Chord (or Triad) which is 1 – 3 – 5, the notes for the C chord are C- E- G. And, the notes of D chord are D – F – A; and the notes of E chord are E – G – B, see below:
– **C major (C-E-G)**
– **D minor (D-F-A)**
– **E minor (E-G-B)**
– **F major (F-A-C)**
– **G major (G-B-D)**
– **A minor (A-C-E)**
– **B diminished (B-D-F)**
The formula of Major chord (Root-4HS-3HS). 
The formula of Minor chord (Root-3HS-4HS).]
The next chord is the chord of the second note which is D (in the C Major scale), and by applying the formula of 1-3-5, we’ll play D-F-A, but since D-F-A is Root-3HS-4HS, so the D chord is a D minor chord. [Review: Minor Chord]



The third note of the C Major scale is E, and by playing 1-3-5 notes (E-G-B), again the chord is Root-3HS-4HS, which is a minor chord.
Moving on to the 4th note, note F of the C Major scale, the chord 1-3-5 is F-A-C, which is a Major chord (Root-4HS-3HS).
The 5th note which is G, has G-B-D (Root-4HS-3HS) which is a Major chord.
The Chord of the 6th note, which is the note A is A-C-E, which is a minor chord (Root-3HS-4HS).
The Last note in the C Major scale is B, and by applying the formula of 1-3-5, the chord of B is B-D-F(Root-3HS-3HS, which is a diminished chord)
In conclusion, any Major Scale would have the chords as follows:


        I (C) or Cmaj [maj symbol for Major Chords]
        ii (D) or Dm [m symbol for Minor Chords]
        iii (E) or Em
        IV (F) or Fmaj
        V (G) or Gmaj
        vi (A) or Am
        vii (B) or Bdim or Bo [dim or o symbols for Diminished Chords]


Zebra Free Online Piano Lessons
Chord Name Formula Key of C Symbol
Major Triad 1-3-5 C-E-G M | maj
Minor 1-3b-5 C-Eb-G m | min
Dominant 7th 1-3-5-7b C-E-G-Bb 7
Major 7th 1-3-5-7 C-E-G-B M7, | maj7
Minor 7th 1-3b-5-7b C-Eb-G-Bb m7, | -7


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