You can find any chords with this interactive Piano Chords Chart created by Colm Mac Cárthaigh. Click below to go to this useful music reference: ___________________________________ You May Also Like: Major Chords Learn How Major Chords are Constructed Its Formula & Major Chords Chart
Archive for the ‘Music Chords’ Category
Seventh Chords
Learn how to construct different types of seventh chords – Dominant 7th, Major 7th, and Minor 7th chords. Free piano tutorial with Flash demos for fun learning.
How to Play Major 7th Chord
Learn how to construct Major 7th Chord, and learn how to play this chord on piano keyboard.
Music Theory – Intervals: the “whole steps” and “half steps”
You’ll be learning the music intervals : Whole Step and Half Step. A half step (semitone or half tone) is a visual representation of a half step is any two keys on the piano keyboard that have no key in between them. For example, from key E to key F, or from key […]
Pentatonic Scales
Learn how to play pentatonic scales by playing only the black key notes. Watch the demo showing you how to this 5-note scale.
I, IV, V Chords
The “I, IV, V” Chords (primary chords) are played more often than any other chords in that particular key. Learn chords for beginners now!
Major Chords – Learn Piano for Beginners
Learn how to major chords in all 12 keys for beginner piano. Access interactive chord chart to find any chords – fun learning!
Table of Contents – Free Online Piano Lessons provides free online piano lessons for absolute beginners through intermediate advanced levels. Our piano lessons are broken down into five mini sections for each level of difficulties. Lessons come animated demos, and interactive music training tools to enhance learners’ piano skills.
Minor Chords
Learn how to contruct a minor chord. Practice playing minor chords on virtual piano provided. Access free online piano lessons with Flash demos.
Five-Finger Exercise
Learn how to do “Five Finger Exercises”. Watch video demo on this piano techniques for beginners. The exercise will help to improve the strength and flexibility of your fingers.
How to play Diminished Chords
Diminished chords are used across various genres of music, often to create tension and a sense of instability or anticipation. These chords have a unique, dissonant sound, which makes them effective in certain musical contexts. Learn how to play Diminished Chord in the key of C. Diminished chord is also written as dim […]
C Major Arpeggio
Arpeggio in musical term refers to a group of notes (or chord) being played one after the other in sequence. Learn how to play C Major Arpeggio on piano keyboard.
Piano Technique for Beginners
A good way to improve your technique is to perform finger exercises. Learn some of the piano techniques that are fun to play as well as please to listen to.
Music Theory
Learn music theory – 12 keys of music, major scale, intervals, chords of the major scales, and Circle of fifths (5ths).