Basic Piano Skills – Key Signatures


In this tutorial, you’ll Learn about the 12 key signatures in music. Since there are 12 Keys  in music (which are keys C, D, E, F, G, A, B, Db, Eb, Gb, Ab, and Bb), and so there are 12 possible ways of playing a song in one of those 12 keys. 
[Review: Lesson 4: Music Notation]
In this video below, it shows you how to play Deck The Halls in three different keys: Key of C, Key of F, and Key of B.




In the Key of C, you will be playing the melody as:

| G F E D | C D E C | DEFD ED | C B C |

How do we know that it is played in the key of C?
It is because the last note of the melody ends with C, and also there are no sharps(#) nor flats (b) in C major scale (notes of C Major Scale are: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C).
Below are the two clues that can tell what key a music is written on:


1. How many sharps(#) and/or flats (b) in that particular piece of the music. 
[Review: Major Scales in all the 12 Keys]
2. What is the last note of the melody on which a song ends, this can also be a clue as to what key that song is written in. For example, if a song ends on C, it may be in the key of C. If a song ends on F, it may be in the key of F. If a song ends on B, it may be in the key of B, and so on (see examples below:)



In the Key of C, you will play the melody as: 
| G F E D | C D E C | DEFD E D | C B C
In the Key of F, you will play: 
| D BbA G | F G A F | GABbG A G | F E F |  
In the Key of B, you will play: 
| F# E Eb Db | B Db Eb B | DbEbE Db Eb Db |BBb B |



Access related tutorials below –
How Major Scales are built and how to play them
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Use Circle of the Fifth Diagram to find what key a music is play in. 



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