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Zebra Keys


Play Piano in a Flash

Scott "The Piano Guy" Houston

printable version

Product Details

Title: Play Piano in a Flash

Performer: Scott "The Piano Guy" Houston

Director: Ken Mills

Format: Color, NTSC

Region: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only.)

Number of Discs: 1

Studio: n/a

DVD Release Date: April 20, 2003

Run Time: 140 Minutes

Zebra Keys Editorial Reviews

About the Performer

Scott is best known as the host of the highly successful PBS special "Play Piano in a Flash." Scott has over 20 year of experience in the music industry. He studied jazz at the Indiana University School of Music. Scott has performed keyboard and percussion in various jazz, rock, and funk ensembles. He was also a president of a music publishing company.


Scott Houston explains just how fun and easy playing like the professionals really is. You don't need to need complicated music notation, and you don't need to practice for hours on end before getting any meaningful results. You just need to know a few concepts and tricks, and you'll be playing like the pros in no time.


This DVD is divided into two parts. In the first part, Scott talks about how you can play your favorite tunes and sound like a pro doing it by learning the way the pros learn, by using chords to put music together. In the second part, Scott shows examples from four popular songs.

The DVD succeeds in making the subject of learning piano very fun and exciting. Scott is a great presenter and his anecdotes really get you motivated to learn. The only issue is that the actual concepts are not really shown or talked about in enough detail. I would have loved to have Scott showed us more examples instead of sharing stories, even though they are quit entertaining. This may be due to the fact that this DVD is actually an extended version of a PBS broadcast, so I can see why the need to entertain sort of overshadowed the need to teach. Overall, this DVD is entertaining, enlightening, as well as educational. Due to lack of content, this DVD is more for motivational purposes.

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