I Am A Little Teapot


I Am A Little Teapot - Singalong with Lyrics
Iā€™m A Little Teapot, also known as ā€œThe Teapot Songā€, is a popular American nursery rhyme. This song was first published in 1939 by George Sanders and Clarence Kelley. Learn how to play this popular nursery rhyme, free sheet music provided.
This song is written in 4/4 time, which has three (3) in a measure, and each beat gets a quarter note. There are three (3) major chords – C, F, and G chords in this song (also used in Twinkle Twinkle Little Star).

      C chord – C-E-G
      F chord – F-A-C
      G chord – G-B-D


Key Signatures



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Key signature has the sharp (#), or flat (b) signs placed at the beginning of the staff to indicate what key the music is played.
The 12 Keys in music are – 

        C, Db, D, Eb, E, F, F#, G, Ab, A, Bb, B



Formula of major scale is –

        Root + WS + WS + HS + WS + WS + WS + HS 
        [WS – Whole Step, HS – Half Step]


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I, IV, V Chords

I, IV, V Chords

I, IV, V chords also known as Three Primary Chords, see the full list of Three Primary Chords in all 12 keys.
In any given Major Scale, there are three major chords (I, IV, and V), three minor chords (ii, iii, vi), and one diminished Read the rest of this entry »

Major Scales


Learn how to construct and play Major Scales by using the pattern of whole steps and half steps. You can easily find the notes of any major scale in each of the 12 keys.
Click on any one of the major scales below to watch how to play that scale. You will also see the list of the notes of each scale.
[Review: intervals, and see all Beginner Music Theory Lessons below:]. Click on the any of the major scale below to learn how to play that particular scale: Read the rest of this entry »

Chord Inversions – 1st and 2nd Chord Inversions


Chord_Inversions_1100 10


We often play chords in their root chord position, But sometimes we would see chords are being played in their first or second inversions. How to Read the rest of this entry »

Maple Leaf Rag


Another ragtime music composed by the King of Ragtime, Scott Joplin. This song was copyrighted in 1899.
Watch the video below and learn how to play one of the popular ragtime pieces of all time. You can also download a copy of Maple Leaf Rag sheet music below.





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Learn to Read Piano Music – Time Signatures




In the video below, you will be practicing how to count notes in a measure, in order to keep time in music. A time signature tells you how a particular piece of music is played.
The bottom part with a number four (4) indicates that each count (or beat) gets a quarter note.

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Circle of Fifths


The first diagram is the Circle of Fifths showing just the keys in the major chords and scales only. The Circle of Fifths or Circle of Fourths shows all of the 12 keys or notes.
The Circle of the Fifths is very useful for writing music. Next to each of these keys, it also shows how many sharps (#), and how many flats (b) for that particular keys as shown in this diagram below:



As you may notice that each of the 12 keys is at the interval of fifths moving in the clockwise direction.


For example, Read the rest of this entry »

Learn to Play Piano – Clementines


Clementine is one of the popular American folk music. Learn how to play Clementine on piano, free sheet music with lyrics provided below. Watch the video on how to play this song’s melody only.
This song is play in 3/4 time, i.e. three beats per Read the rest of this entry »

Major Chords – Learn Piano for Beginners


Major chord (symbol: M or Maj) or Major triad, is used in most of the songs. Here, we will learn how to play major chords in all 12 keys.
First, you want to learn how major chords are constructed. The formula for major chord is: Read the rest of this entry »

Learn How to Play Piano – This Old Man


Learn how to play one of the most popular children songs, This Old Man. Watch the second video with fun singalong lyrics.
This song is written in 4/4 time. We will be playing three of the major chords here – C chord, F chord, and G chord.
Free downloadable This Old Man Sheet Music at the end of this page. You can also download free sheet music (with guitar chords) for more songs.


Chords for the left hand are:: Read the rest of this entry »

Angels We Have Heard On High

==7. Christmas_Angels_We_Have_Heard_on_High_300.1 

In this blog, you will learn how to play Angels We Have Heard On High. The lyrics of this song is based on a traditional French carol known as Les Anges dans nos campagnes (literally means “Angels in our countryside”).


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Piano Layout


This is a tutorial for beginner piano learners. Here you will learn the layout of the piano keyboard which is made up of groups of white keys and black keys. If you notice, there are patterns that these piano keys are grouped.
First, there are seven (7) white keys which are repeated throughout any piano keyboard; and there are five (5) black keys in between a group of these seven white keys, which also are repeated throughout the keyboard.
Watch the video below: Read the rest of this entry »

Beginner Piano


There are five sections for beginner piano lessons, and they are:

        Learn Songs3 Easy Songs
        free Virtual Piano provided
        Chords – Learn how to construct 
        Major Chords, Primary Chords & more
        Music Theory – Key Signatures, 
        Major Scales, Intervals & more
        ImprovisationChord Inversions
        and different Chord Patterns
        Techniques – Pentatonic Scale, 
        Whole Tone Scale, Arpeggio

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      Learn to Play a Holiday Song

      “Auld Lang Syne” is a traditional Scottish song, often sung to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one, especially on New Year’s Eve. The lyrics were written by the poet Robert Burns in 1788, although the song is based on older Scottish folk tunes.

      The title, “Auld Lang Syne,” translates to “old long since” or “times gone by,” Read the rest of this entry »