Welcome to Zebra Keys!
Free Piano Lessons
Our site provides over 50 free piano lessons for various levels of difficulty. Each piano lesson is accompanied by visual flash animations that allow learners to view and hear songs as well as play along with the animations on their own piano keyboard. Learning piano with Zebra Keys is fun and easy!

Our online piano lessons are targeted for ages 13 and up. If you are a beginner adult or parent who wants to teach his or her child to play piano, you will find our online piano lessons very helpful. Parents can also use our piano lessons as part of fun activities for their children. These lessons also help those who already know how to play piano as well.
If you are an absolute beginner, our lessons in the preparation section will help get you started. You will learn basic piano skills such as understanding the piano layout and basic music notation. After that, you will move on to learn piano chords, music theory, piano improvisation, and piano technique.
Free Piano Resources
In addition, you will find that our piano resources section is extremely useful with free sheet music. We offer public domain sheet music, sheet music previews of many popular songs, and even blank sheet music to help you get started on your next masterpiece. We also provide ear training tools in our music tools section that will help to reinforce what you have learned from our piano lessons.
Piano Related Reviews
In order to make sure that you gain the most out of this site, Zebra Keys continuously reviews and adds more songs for practice. We also provide you with piano reviews on the best piano related products available from DVD's to books on piano learning.

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Zebra Keys Video Tutorials
More tutorials on Zebra Keys' YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/zebrakeysonline
Zebra Keys Video Contest Winner: Wayne Thompson
Zebra Keys is proud to announce Wayne Thompson as the winner of our very first video contest ever! We would like to say thank you to all of those who have participated and helped to make this contest successful. We appreciate all of our loyal fans and we thank everyone for helping to make Zebra Keys the #1 free piano lessons website in the world! Thank you!

Location: Jefferson, Texas (United States)
YouTube Channel: lightrays
1. Who is your biggest musical inspiration?
A man by the name of Wayne Joiner; I improved after trying to play like he did.
2. What inspired you to learn the piano?
Hearing a lady in church when I was very young.
3. How long have you played the piano?
51 years since my first lesson.
4. Tell us something interesting about you.
I have been married to the same woman for 35 years.
5. Tell us your favorite piano website(s).
I suppose this one is; Horowitz does some amazing things here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qnla_5zrHAE
6. What was the first song you learned to play on the piano?
My Dad taught me to play "I dropped my dolly in the dirt."
7. What was the hardest song you learned to play on the piano?
The introduction of "Sing A Song About Christmas" by Mosie Lister because it has a lot of fast chord changes.
8. What is your favorite song to play on the piano?
Goodby, World, Goodby, also by Mosie Lister.
9. What was the largest event you ever performed at?
There was a gospel music concert in Marshall, Texas, many years ago with a lot of different singers and musicians; I don't know how many people were there.
10. What message would you give to all the aspiring musicians out there?
Never give up.
Featured Flash Animation
Featured Free Piano Lessons
Lesson 1: Patterns of the Black and White Keys
Lesson 2: Names of White Keys
Lesson 3: Names of Black Keys
Lesson 4: Grand Staff: Diagram of the Piano Keyboard
Lesson 5: Note Durations
Featured Piano Keyboards
Featured Classical Songs
Fan Videos
If you would like to submit your own fan video, artwork, and/or picture (i.e. you holding up a sign that says "I Love Zebra Keys!"), please submit to fans@zebrakeys.com! We would really appreciate it! =D

Location: United Kingdom
YouTube Channel: tdotfamily
1. Who is your biggest musical inspiration?
David Sides
2. What inspired you to learn the piano?
Listening to talented people on YouTube, interpreting new charted songs on the piano.
3. How long have you played the piano?
4 years
4. Tell us something interesting about you.
I aspire to create a learning software, that is easy to use for future musicians.
5. Tell us your favorite piano website(s).
I've never really visited any besides Zebra Keys, but I do look at other pianists on YouTube, which is a pretty big platform.
6. What was the first song you learned to play on the piano?
The first song I remember playing was Tupac's "Changes", originally composed by Bruce Hornsby who did a great rendition of it.
7. What was the hardest song you learned to play on the piano?
For me it is probably "Toy Story - You've Got A Friend In Me".
8. What is your favorite song to play on the piano?
I really enjoy playing Pachelbel's "Canon" but recently I have been overplaying "River Flows In You" by Yurima, a classic.
9. What was the largest event you ever performed at?
I used to be a reception pianist at a theatre for hundreds but have not really played at any large events. Maybe one day.
10. What message would you give to all the aspiring musicians out there?
Always set targets. For example, a song you want to be able to play - concentrate on that one until you set another goal. My next target is "Divenire" by Ludovico.

Location: Australia
YouTube Channel: kjoyganzon
I'm Katherine Ganzon...a Filipino-born Australian (I spent the first 5 years of my life in the Philippines, and then I migrated to Australia with my family).
1. What inspired you to learn the piano?My mother and my cousin were my sources of inspiration. Every time they would play the piano, I would watch them in awe and I'd look at my own little hands, wishing they could do the same...
2. How long have you played the piano?
14 years. I was 7 years old when I began classical piano lessons but I stopped when I was 15. I never stopped playing though, but I began doing a lot more improvisation and work on developing my own style. I managed to continue my musical journey with the help of online tutorials as well as just letting my hands roam free to do as they please.
3. What was the hardest song you learned to play on the piano?
Allegretto Finale from Sonata in B flat, K570 by W.A. Mozart, was probably one of the toughest pieces I had to learn.
4. What is your favorite song to play on the piano?
Pachelbel's Canon in D. It has a simple chord progression that you can easily improvise to.
5. What message would you give to all the aspiring musicians out there?
Practice, practice practice... and always play from the heart.

Location: Exton, Pennsylvania (United States)
YouTube Channel: B52sfreak
1. What inspired you to learn the piano?
Growing up, my parents always blasted the B-52's (especially "Give Me Back My Man"), and I wanted to learn to play music like them. So my parents bought me a mini-light-up kid's keyboard for Christmas, and it stuck!
2. Tell us something interesting about you.
I'm also a huge animal lover and have five cats, a hamster, and a horse!
3. What was the hardest song you learned to play on the piano?
Breathe by Greg Maroney - he's an incredibly gifted new age composer.
4. What is your favorite song to play on the piano?
Breathe by Greg Maroney! It's absolutely breathtaking!
5. What message would you give to all the aspring musicians out there?
Play what YOU like to play. If you love what you're playing, you'll actually want to practice and will enjoy music rather than making it work.
If you would like to submit a fan video, artwork, or picture, please submit to fans@zebrakeys.com!
Piano Lessons
Want to learn piano? See how music teachers rate the top online piano courses. Watch free online lesson videos to help get you started.